Saturday, October 30, 2010

PLEASE read before you vote.

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

My name is Rebecca Cervera. On November 2nd, you have the option to employ me as your State Representative.

Growing up in a transient uneducated family of 13, I know first hand the complexities of poverty and the social ills created by lack of education and unused opportunity. I understand how the deterioration of culture and community acutely and permanently affects lives.

Yet by the grace of God and the hand of Providence, I was born in a nation conceived by those who believed in the intrinsic value of human life- a nation birthed from the loins of hunger for independence- a nation cultivated by the thirst for autonomy and private ownership. I believe that no other state in the union exemplifies the extraordinary spirit of these United States as does the great state of TEXAS.

I have never been a politician or involved in any other political campaign. I am a small business owner, a mother of four boys, a literacy advocate, and most importantly, a very concerned citizen. WE are concerned citizens.

We are concerned with the direction our country is heading. We are concerned about the future of our children. We are concerned with the diminishing opportunities to leave a tangible legacy to our posterity. We are concerned about the systematic breakdown of our culture.

We are concerned with the destructive liberal and progressive philosophies and policies that have infiltrated our government and are destroying our ability to EARN a living, to OWN revenue generating property, and voluntarily SERVE our fellow man.

We are concerned that these policies have found advocates in our Texas State House of Representatives and that “We The People” are no longer being represented by federal, state, or local delegates. We are concerned that we have no public defender of our clear conservative family and fiscal values.

This Legislative session will be met with an estimated 18 to 22 billion dollar budget shortfall. Our citizens have unequivocally expressed that wasteful spending must be curbed and further tax increases are not acceptable.

1.) Your incumbent has publicly committed to raise taxes and to use the rainy day fund in lieu of cutting waste and spending on ineffective programs.

2.) Your incumbent has spent nearly $300,000 on her re-election bid. Most of that money came from special interest groups outside our district. These groups do not and can not represent our families.

3.) Your incumbent has accepted over $66,000 from pro-abortion groups who proudly endorse her as they seek to promote progressive candidates and the Obama agenda in our state.

In contrast, our campaign is a reflection of the renaissance of our community and country. Every endorsement, every dollar, every event has been an unsolicited, volunteer effort. We have spent less than $15,000. Each penny was given by people who believe in our state and our cause. We have refused to accept special interest money or pay contract labor to raise signs and reach people. Together we have run an effective and successful grassroots effort.

Our community is ready for a representative who will foment relationships without compromising constituents. Our community is ready for a delegate who derives leadership from servanthood. Our community is ready to engage in state policy and influence the laws under which we are required to run our businesses and families.

Our community believes in the intrinsic right to LIFE, the endowment of personal liberty, and the unencumbered pursuit of happiness. Now that we have risen, we must continue to stand.

Peace and Prosperity to you, your families, and your businesses. To November 2nd and Beyond, we truly are in this together.



  1. Very well said, Rebecca! As a native son of Texas and McAllen, I have followed your campaign with interest and enjoyment, with the hope that you will be the one to break the stranglehold that liberals and progressives have had on that district for years. Whatever happens on November 2nd, I trust that you will keep on faithfully fulfilling your commitment to excellence and the American way of life. God Bless you!

  2. Very big winner :)
